Spanish Moss Trail
Parking Locations
- Clarendon Road - Beaufort
- Roseida Road - Beaufort
- Depot Road - Beaufort
- Broome Lane - Beaufort
- Westvine Drive - Port Royal
Pedestrian Locations
- Salt Creek Drive W. - Beaufort
- Parris Island Gateway -Beaufort
- Broad River Blvd- Beaufort
- Robert Smalls Parkway - Beaufort
- North Street -Beaufort
- N. Hermitage Road - Beaufort
- Hay Street -Beaufort
- Hermitage Road- Beaufort
- Technology College of the Lowcountry - Beaufort
- Allison Road - Beaufort
- Rodgers Drive - Beaufort
- Brotherhood Road - Beaufort
- Riverside Drive- Port Royal
- Smilax Ave & Downtown Port Royal
Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail
The Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail is a non-profit that is dedicated to the development and maintenance of the Spanish Moss Trail. It is governed by a board of directors and is responsible for events regarding the trail and raising the public's awareness of the trail. If you wish to make a donation, you can do so at