Fripp Island Birds

Sea Birds, Shore Birds, Marsh Birds

Over 80 species of birds reside on Fripp Island. Birds travel from all over the country to visit Fripp during our warm summer season. The birds love Fripp so much that the National Audubon society named Fripp Island an Important Bird Area.

Some of the species you can view at Fripp are:

  • Osprey
  • White Ibis
  • Red Throated Loon
  • Black Skimmer
  • Double Crested Cormorant
  • Scoter
  • Old Squaw
  • Great Blue Heron

Visit the South Carolina Audubon Society for more information.

Want to learn more about bird species on Fripp? Check out a full list of the birds on Fripp Island.

The white ibis have been enjoying the warmer weather this week…

 A group of photographers from womencapturemagic have come together to share our love of nature. Get your dose of beauty today by following along the #womencapturemagicnatureloop

 #raw_birds #FBPC_birds #bestoftheglobe_birds #birds_perfection #nuts_about_birds #nothingisordinary_ #birds_captures #carolinancbirds #bestoftheglobe_nature #eye_spy_birds #sharetheshore #bb_of_ig #bw_magazine

The white ibis have been enjoying the warmer weather this week…

A group of photographers from womencapturemagic have come together to share our love of nature. Get your dose of beauty today by following along the #womencapturemagicnatureloop

#raw_birds #FBPC_birds #bestoftheglobe_birds #birds_perfection #nuts_about_birds #nothingisordinary_ #birds_captures #carolinancbirds #bestoftheglobe_nature #eye_spy_birds #sharetheshore #bb_of_ig #bw_magazine

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Want to be a better beach goer to shorebirds? #ShareTheShore by respecting posted signs about nesting and other off-limits areas and keep your pet leashed whenever you’re near birds.⁠
Playful dogs want everyone involved in the fun, but their antics can wreak havoc on shorebird colonies in a matter of seconds. Birds like these Least Terns perceive dogs as predators, even if the dogs aren’t chasing them. ⁠
Least Tern with chick. 📷: Jim Verhagen/Audubon Photography Awards

Want to be a better beach goer to shorebirds? #ShareTheShore by respecting posted signs about nesting and other off-limits areas and keep your pet leashed whenever you’re near birds.⁠

Playful dogs want everyone involved in the fun, but their antics can wreak havoc on shorebird colonies in a matter of seconds. Birds like these Least Terns perceive dogs as predators, even if the dogs aren’t chasing them. ⁠

Least Tern with chick. 📷: Jim Verhagen/Audubon Photography Awards

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I'm working on helping audubonconnecticut, following up to the Memorial Day weekend, with educating about shorebird and sharing the shore. This weekend will be a busy one, will be running a five-day campaign to talking about our #SharetheShore initiative. Day 1 of 5; Leave room for Nesting, American Oystercatchers are one of our focal species, they are currently nesting along our shores, some even have fledglings. Were trying to help them this weekend, with increased activity on the beach, these birds will feel more pressure with the decreased beach area. Were asking if you see species like, American Oystercatcher please try and give them as much distance as you can, we can all share the shore this weekend. audubonsociety

I`m working on helping audubonconnecticut, following up to the Memorial Day weekend, with educating about shorebird and sharing the shore. This weekend will be a busy one, will be running a five-day campaign to talking about our #SharetheShore initiative. Day 1 of 5; Leave room for Nesting, American Oystercatchers are one of our focal species, they are currently nesting along our shores, some even have fledglings. Were trying to help them this weekend, with increased activity on the beach, these birds will feel more pressure with the decreased beach area. Were asking if you see species like, American Oystercatcher please try and give them as much distance as you can, we can all share the shore this weekend. audubonsociety ...

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While many shorebirds have wide distributions, the piping plover is a North American specialty, barely extending into Mexico in winter. ⁠
But these birds are now considered endangered or threatened species in all parts of their range as many of their nesting areas are subject to human disturbance and other threats. ⁠
To help protect Piping Plovers and other shorebirds and wildlife, it’s critical for people to #ShareTheShore. ⁠
A video of a Piping Plover stomping its feet on the sand. 📹: Sean Graesser (gourmetbiologist)

While many shorebirds have wide distributions, the piping plover is a North American specialty, barely extending into Mexico in winter. ⁠

But these birds are now considered endangered or threatened species in all parts of their range as many of their nesting areas are subject to human disturbance and other threats. ⁠

To help protect Piping Plovers and other shorebirds and wildlife, it’s critical for people to #ShareTheShore. ⁠

A video of a Piping Plover stomping its feet on the sand. 📹: Sean Graesser (gourmetbiologist)

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“My job... is just beach.” - Westken snowy plover

Western snowy plovers are all about beach! Until September, these small, sparrow-sized shorebirds are hard at work incubating eggs and caring for their chicks. You can safely share the shore with these threatened birds by:

- Give wildlife space: do not approach or chase these birds.

- Respect all posted signs and roped-off areas for the protection of wildlife.

- Avoid prolonged picnicking or sunbathing in plover nesting habitat (dry sand areas above the wrack line).

- Walk on the wet hard-packed sand below the wrack line to avoid nesting habitat.

- Camp or build fires only in designated areas.

- If you’re on a beach that allows vehicles, drive ‘low and slow’, staying on the hard-packed sand below the high tide line where plovers forage.

- Avoid driving over old vehicle or foot tracks as plovers like to rest or “loaf” in these and are extremely hard to see.

- Avoid flying kites or other hovering objects near plover nesting habitat.

- Please dispose of all trash properly and do not inadvertently or intentionally feed wildlife.

- Know beach-specific dog rules before you go. If dogs are permitted, please follow the leash rules.

Thank you in advance!

🎨 by Rebecca Fabbri/USFWS

“My job... is just beach.” - Westken snowy plover

Western snowy plovers are all about beach! Until September, these small, sparrow-sized shorebirds are hard at work incubating eggs and caring for their chicks. You can safely share the shore with these threatened birds by:

- Give wildlife space: do not approach or chase these birds.

- Respect all posted signs and roped-off areas for the protection of wildlife.

- Avoid prolonged picnicking or sunbathing in plover nesting habitat (dry sand areas above the wrack line).

- Walk on the wet hard-packed sand below the wrack line to avoid nesting habitat.

- Camp or build fires only in designated areas.

- If you’re on a beach that allows vehicles, drive ‘low and slow’, staying on the hard-packed sand below the high tide line where plovers forage.

- Avoid driving over old vehicle or foot tracks as plovers like to rest or “loaf” in these and are extremely hard to see.

- Avoid flying kites or other hovering objects near plover nesting habitat.

- Please dispose of all trash properly and do not inadvertently or intentionally feed wildlife.

- Know beach-specific dog rules before you go. If dogs are permitted, please follow the leash rules.

Thank you in advance!

🎨 by Rebecca Fabbri/USFWS

33354 101
It's #worldshorebirdsday, I took this photo the other day to show a #sharetheshore situation. This group of Sandpipers rests on the beach,while busy beachgoers hustle and bustle in the background. In a lot of locations there is a struggle to provide shorebirds with enough space on beaches for people and birds. The thing is with a little self awareness of your surroundings you can share the shore with them equally, they need all the help they can get. Shorebirds are facing shrinking habitats, pollution, and the effects of climate changes on a daily basis. audubonsociety

It`s #worldshorebirdsday, I took this photo the other day to show a #sharetheshore situation. This group of Sandpipers rests on the beach,while busy beachgoers hustle and bustle in the background. In a lot of locations there is a struggle to provide shorebirds with enough space on beaches for people and birds. The thing is with a little self awareness of your surroundings you can share the shore with them equally, they need all the help they can get. Shorebirds are facing shrinking habitats, pollution, and the effects of climate changes on a daily basis. audubonsociety ...

1751 11
Reddish egrets are highly adaptable birds, capable of adjusting their foraging techniques and feeding strategies in response to changes in their environment. This adaptability is essential for their survival in dynamic coastal ecosystems.
#reddishegret #egrets #naturehippys_ #eye_spy_birds #planetbirds #nuts_about_birds #bestoftheusa_birds #wildlifeaddicts #yourshotphotographer #best_birds_of_ig #bestbirdshots #wildlifeplanet #conserveflorida #floridawildlifecorridor #birdsofinstagram #birds_captures #naturebrilliance #sonyalpha #birdsonearth #keepflwild #birds_bees_flowers_n_trees #wildlifeonearth #sharetheshore #floridawildlife #nuts_about_wildlife #birdsphotography

Reddish egrets are highly adaptable birds, capable of adjusting their foraging techniques and feeding strategies in response to changes in their environment. This adaptability is essential for their survival in dynamic coastal ecosystems.
#reddishegret #egrets #naturehippys_ #eye_spy_birds #planetbirds #nuts_about_birds #bestoftheusa_birds #wildlifeaddicts #yourshotphotographer #best_birds_of_ig #bestbirdshots #wildlifeplanet #conserveflorida #floridawildlifecorridor #birdsofinstagram #birds_captures #naturebrilliance #sonyalpha #birdsonearth #keepflwild #birds_bees_flowers_n_trees #wildlifeonearth #sharetheshore #floridawildlife #nuts_about_wildlife #birdsphotography

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This adorable little Piping Plover chick is a great reminder to #ShareTheShore with birds and other wildlife when you're visiting the beach this weekend and throughout the summer! #🐣⠀
Photo: Brian Kushner (bkushner2)

This adorable little Piping Plover chick is a great reminder to #ShareTheShore with birds and other wildlife when you`re visiting the beach this weekend and throughout the summer! #🐣⠀

Photo: Brian Kushner (bkushner2)

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Nature Tours

The Fripp Island Resort offers two Birding Nature Tours. Please follow the link below to view the availible tours and scheduling information.