Spanish Moss Trail

About the Trail

Founded in 2012, the ten mile long Spanish Moss Trail is located in northern Beaufort County, South Carolina. The trail was originally the historic Magnolia Line Railroad, which was in operation from 1870 until 2003. Some parts of the railroad remain, including a warehouse that was originally part of the industrial complex that developed around the Port Royal Railroad Depot. The path even goes through this warehouse, making for a unique way to experience a piece of history!

Founded in 2012, the ten mile long Spanish Moss Trail is located in Northern Beaufort County, South Carolina. The trail was originally the historic Magnolia Line Railroad, which was in operation from 1870 until 2003. Some parts of the railroad remain, including a warehouse that was originally part of the industrial complex that developed around the Port Royal Railroad Depot. The path even goes through this warehouse, making for a unique way to experience a piece of history!

About the Trail

Explore History

Another historical building that can be seen alongside the trail is The Seacoast Packing Company packing plant. This building was constructed in 1920 and used as a meat packing plant, grocery warehouse, tomato canning plant, and finally, a pickle packing plant. It ultimately was abandoned and is currently registered as an important historic property. It is quite the sight, with nature starting to take over the brick exterior.

Savor Nature

Since 2012, there have been five phases of the ten phase Master plan completed. These connect the City of Beaufort and the Town of Port Royal. When everything is completed, the trail will be sixteen miles long. Get ready to enjoy some beautiful sights between two outstanding towns!

Take a Walk

The ten mile long trail is twelve feet wide and paved, making it perfect for walking and non-motorized vehicles. It is a relaxing journey, with benches and restrooms are available periodically along the trail. Enjoy beautiful trees, flowers, and water and marsh views while you walk your dog, take the baby for a stroll or ride your bike!

Go For a Ride

Enjoy beautiful trees, flowers, and water and marsh views while you walk your dog, take the baby for a stroll or ride your bike!

Explore History

Another historical building that can be seen alongside the trail is The Seacoast Packing Company packing plant. This building was constructed in 1920 and used as a meat packing plant, grocery warehouse, tomato canning plant, and finally, a pickle packing plant. It ultimately was abandoned and is currently registered as an important historic property. It is quite the sight, with nature starting to take over the brick exterior.

Savor Nature

Since 2012, there have been five phases of the ten phase Master plan completed. These connect the City of Beaufort and the town of Port Royal. When everything is completed, the trail will be sixteen miles long. Get ready to enjoy some beautiful sights between two outstanding towns!

Take a Walk

The ten mile long trail is twelve feet wide and paved, making it perfect for walking and non-motorized vehicles. It is a relaxing journey, with benches and restrooms are available periodically along the trail.

Go For a Ride

Enjoy beautiful trees, flowers, and water and marsh views while you walk your dog, take the baby for a stroll or ride your bike!

Trail Access

Trail Accesses

Parking Locations

  • Clarendon Road - Beaufort
  • Roseida Road - Beaufort
  • Depot Road - Beaufort
  • Broome Lane - Beaufort
  • Westvine Drive - Port Royal

Pedestrian Locations

  • Salt Creek Drive W. - Beaufort
  • Parris Island Gateway -Beaufort
  • Broad River Blvd- Beaufort
  • Robert Smalls Parkway - Beaufort
  • North Street -Beaufort
  • N. Hermitage Road - Beaufort
  • Hay Street -Beaufort
  • Hermitage Road- Beaufort
  • Technology College of the Lowcountry - Beaufort
  • Allison Road - Beaufort
  • Rodgers Drive - Beaufort
  • Brotherhood Road - Beaufort
  • Riverside Drive- Port Royal
  • Smilax Ave & Downtown Port Royal

Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail

The Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail is a non-profit that is dedicated to the development and maintenance of the Spanish Moss Trail. It is governed by a board of directors and is responsible for events regarding the trail and raising the public's awareness of the trail. If you wish to make a donation, you can do so at